Nancy Hill - Writer, Actor, Musician

Nancy Hill, Salem, Oregon, is a gifted and talented musician and Actress. She has been a part of Christian Drama and comedy for over 20 years. She has specialized in Improv and is a regular public speaker in her community.
Nancy and Debi have been friends since 1966 and started improv and skit writing at a very young age, starting with "The Miss Strawberry Festival Pageant" at a family reunion in 1967. They are their own best audience!
She is a soloist and sings for weddings and funerals (she really knocks 'em dead!) and most recently sang the national anthem, twice, last summer for the Keiser Volcanoes baseball game.
Nancy treasures her time spent with the SonnySide Gang creating characters, writing and performing for the Joy Retreats. It is through this experience she has discovered joy herself.
Nancy is an Instructional Assistant in Salem, Oregon. She works with Middle Schoolers. (Please pray for her :)
Nancy and Debi have been friends since 1966 and started improv and skit writing at a very young age, starting with "The Miss Strawberry Festival Pageant" at a family reunion in 1967. They are their own best audience!
She is a soloist and sings for weddings and funerals (she really knocks 'em dead!) and most recently sang the national anthem, twice, last summer for the Keiser Volcanoes baseball game.
Nancy treasures her time spent with the SonnySide Gang creating characters, writing and performing for the Joy Retreats. It is through this experience she has discovered joy herself.
Nancy is an Instructional Assistant in Salem, Oregon. She works with Middle Schoolers. (Please pray for her :)